Web Work and Net Artists Shine Response

đź’» Week 04

Web Production I

Anthony Bove

The world changed in December 1995 when Vuk Cosic, an artist, opened a website for internet art called net.art where he began using it to talk about online art and communications on the internet. The term net.art “stood for communications and graphics, emails, texts, and images referring to and merging into another” (Greene 1). This was a way for artists to communicate about their artwork online instead of in a museum. The net.art projects used the HTML page to present their artwork. It was interesting that artwork went from being just in museums and art galleries to now anyone around the world being able to view artwork from their computer screens. The new way of presenting artwork in the art world really helped artists get their name out there more in the community and helped them feel more comfortable with themselves. This was the first major change for putting galleries and museums out of business because all the viewers needed to do was turn on their computer and look up the website of where the painting is posted on. Images are everywhere today on google and it's as easy to access any painting and save it to your desktop and print it out and hang it up in your own house.

Benjamin Weil created the Ada web and had an unusual path to finding a home for paintings as it traveled from Digital Cities to AOL. These companies never found a use for the Ada web. Weil made sure that the site had a home if the other partnerships were not willing to take a chance on the site. Weil made sure to find a home for the Walker Art Center for a space for paintings and content to be presented. This is truly disappointing to hear that major companies like AOL didn’t want to take a chance on an art gallery website to have paintings presented to the world. Art is a craft, and it is presented to the viewers with entertainment and to create a story while the viewers are looking at the painting.

The internet was questionable for art because the Jodi.org website caused a threat that any person that went on it would get hacked. This unsafe behavior for people using the internet causes threats for their IP addresses to be looked up. Privacy becomes a concern as the hackers can look up the address to see where they live and any other information, they have on their web browser. Paul Gerrin was one of the people that expanded the URL components which help people to get hacked less. The new URL addresses are .com, .net, .co.uk, .edu, .org, and .ip. These URL addresses protect people's information from getting hacked. This is great to hear that Gerrin made it possible for people to not get hacked so easily because the internet can be a dangerous place to look up art paintings safely, communicate and search up information.

Net.Art shaped the way for Desktop IS and Form Art to be presented for creators to work on art projects online. This is a huge factor for any artist out there that wants to create a painting digitally and without painting it with a brush and a board. An interesting software came around in 1998 called the Heritage Gold which was claimed to be exactly like Adobe Photoshop but replaced its banal tools and commands that photoshop has. It’s interesting to see software for artists to use online to help create art projects that they can present to their audience. This also must limit time for the artists because they don’t need to go out and buy the materials because it's all in front of them.

In March of 2020, Olia Lialina an artist that is well known for being called the first “net artist” who used the internet to showcase artwork. Lialina was stressing that her art gallery would not open to the public because of the coronavirus pandemic. This nightmare came true as Lialina had to move the event online to showcase artwork. The zoom call event has helped tremendously with artwork being presented online instead of in person. More people came to see the art gallery because it was online. This is a great opportunity for anyone who doesn’t have time out of their day to see artwork while having busy lives. Lialina was the first to employ low-fi text and visual narratives in paintings. The most famous painting that Lialina has is called “My Boyfriend Came Back from the War”, as this painting showed the conflict between a woman dealing with her lover being away from home. The low-fi text and visual narrative of “My Boyfriend Came Back from the War” painting have helped shape the way for blogs and Instagram posts. This is very interesting to hear that Lialina employed elements in her painting that later will be highly used on Instagram and for writing blogs. Two young computer savvy teens named Eva and Franco Mattes became obsessed with the ways of “real” life presented on the web for art. It's interesting to hear that these two young teens found the dark web of cat memes photos. I would never have thought someone on the internet in early 2000 would be looking up cat memes photos but they were. Overall, the Internet has shaped the way net.art is presented to the online world.